The Pokemon Company annouces new deal with Netflix to carry the new Pokemon series starting June 12th
The new Pokemon series premieres exclusively on Netflix on June 12th.
The Pokemon Company recently annouced it would make a deal with Netflix to offer the most recent Pokemon series, which is slated to premiere on the web streaming platform June 12th. The series is based on the core games Pokemon Sword & Shield, which takes place in the Galar region.
Not only is Netflix getting a very anticpated series, but Netflix has also managed to get great new series and movies, amid the Coronavirus pandemic. Netflix has gotten several family movies in just this month alone, which such movies including Back to the Future (Part I & II), Charlie and the Choclate Factory, Arctic Dogs, and many more. So Netflix is really stepping up it's game this year, despite losing Friends to Warner's new streaming service HBO MAX, which is launching in just a matter of days.
As for you friends in the UK (which is what Galar is based on), you'll be able to see the series on the Pop TV network. Only Netflix in the US has these rights, so you brits will be able to see the series on regular TV, just like you've been doing these last 25 years.
Pokemon 2019 premieres on Netflix June 12th in the United States and on POP in the United Kingdom.
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