I don't care about your advertising and badging Linux Mint! Stop shoving it down my throat!!
This is ridiculous. Why is Linux Mint putting all of their advertising and badging on my damn computer?? This is even worse than Ubuntu advertising Amazon. Like for example, I turn on Hex Chat to connect to Rizion, it doesn't give me any choice for server. It auto-connects to spotty net, and forces me to talk with a bunch of assholes who like Linux Mint and support with the community. Therefore, it's advertising and badging with Linux Mint in Hex Chat. Second, when I opened up Firefox, it opened up with a dumb-ass, you guessed it, Linux Mint badged start page, instead of the actual Firefox start page, and so more dumb-ass badging with Linux Mint on it. In fact, I can't even set Google as my default search engine. Instead, I'm forced to use Yahoo, which, of course, also has more f*****g Linux Mint badging. I was able to download Google Chrome, which, more than likely, will be set as my default browser, after Linux Mint's f*****g badging and advertising. I could go back to Ubuntu, but I can't, because our new internet through Spectrum, doesn't work with Ubuntu. [F**K OFF SPECTRUM!!] It might get cut off on Linux Mint, it has once, but only because the network was out of range. If it does keep making me authenticate, then I guess I'll have to go to Microsoft's Anti-adware/Spyware OS, Windows 10. And hope for the best that the laptop product key will work, and it won't get stuck on "Just a Moment!", and won't go through all that Cortana shit. I just installed this cause it was my next best choice over Win 7, so I think it'll have to do. But this is way worse than Ubuntu, and even Windows 10. Advertising and badging from Linux Mint, it's community, and it's developers, are all just pushing it and shoving it down my f*****g face. I might be stuck with this shit for now, because advertising and badging is a dispute in my matter, and if SOPA were regulated, Linux Mint could be shut down. F**k your piece of shit advertising and badging Linux Mint!!!!!!!
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